Accredited Investor Requirements for Bentaus LLC


Investors looking to participate in our Regulation D offerings must meet accredited investor criteria. Accredited investors are defined as individuals with a net worth exceeding $1 million (excluding primary residence) or an annual income surpassing $200,000 (individual) or $300,000 (household) in each of the prior two years, with a reasonable expectation of the same for the current year.


Required Information


1. Individual Investors

– Full Name

– Government ID

– Birthday

– Social Security Number

– Background Check + KYC


– AML check

– Signed Agreement


2. Joint Accounts

– Full Names

– Government IDs

– Birthdays

– Social Security Numbers

– Background Check + KYC for Both

– OFAC and FINCEN for Both

– AML Checks for Both

– Signed Agreements for Both


3. Trusts

– Signed Agreement

– Proof of Accreditation

– Trust Agreement

– Tax ID for the Trust

– State Filing of Trust

– Government ID for Trustee


4. Entities

– Signed Agreement

– Tax ID letter (SS4)

– Articles of Incorporation

– State Incorporation Document

– Government ID of Officer

– Proof of Accreditation


Investor Verification


Investors can verify their accreditation status by providing any of the following documentation, dated within the last 90 days, displaying their full name:


Letter of Accreditation

– Recent accreditation letter issued by a licensed attorney or CPA

– Dated within the last 90 days

– Contains verifier’s contact or business information

– Signed by the verifier


Financial Assets

– Proof of assets exceeding $1 million

– Bank Statements

– Brokerage Statements

– Certificates of Deposit

– Tax Assessments

– Credit Report


Proof of Income

– Proof of income for 2 years exceeding $200,000 for individuals or $300,000 for joint investors

– Form W-2

– Form 1099

– Schedule K-1

– Form 1065

– Filed Form 1040


Real Estate Assets

– Proof of real estate investment

– Property Tax Statement

– Personal Tax Returns

– Appraisal of Property Value


Entity Requirements

Entities qualify as accredited if they meet the following criteria:

– Assets or investments exceeding $5 million

– Certain types of corporations, partnerships, LLCs, trusts, family offices, 501(c)(3) organizations, employee benefit plans, and financial entities


Professional Criteria

Professionals meeting the following criteria qualify as accredited investors:

– Investment professionals with specific licenses

– Directors, executive officers, or general partners of the company selling the securities

– “Family clients” of a “family office” that qualifies as an accredited investor

– “Knowledgeable employees” of a private fund

– SEC-registered broker-dealers and investment advisers of assets exceeding $5 million